Keynote Speaker.

“Live productively your whole life long. Demographic and digital leadership for maximum performance. Decide for yourself how old you are. The research on staying young. “
Experience amazing insights into first-hand research findings and after this talk you will…

  • Have a positive attitude towards age and be able to determine your own age.
  • Find ways to be physically, emotionally and mentally fit and healthy for your whole life, rather than slowing down. 
  • Achieve optimal performance for yourself, your team and your business.
  • Stay young for longer through digitalization and technology.
  • Scientifically proven to increase your performance by 1000%.

“The positive effect. Revolutionize management with a change of attitude.”
After the talk, you will…

  • Reprogram your brain, turn intelligence.
  • Create your own world, like Elon Musk.
  • Revolutionize performance and leadership using a scientifically proven method.
  • Effect positive change for yourself, your employees and your organization to achieve peak performance.

“Digital rebirth: how to reinvent smart businesses”

  • Successful tips, cases, and stories: the easy way to achieve digital rebirth.
  • How to escape the viscious circle of digital transformation and avoid failure with your digitalization project (average failure rate 90%) – or miss 80% of your chances.
  • Become one of the digital elite through digital rebirth

Please contact us, if you are interested in booking Sven Voelpel as keynote speaker.
