“Live productively your whole life long. Demographic and digital leadership for maximum performance. Decide for yourself how old you are. The research on staying young. “
Experience amazing insights into first-hand research findings and after this talk you will…
- Have a positive attitude towards age and be able to determine your own age.
- Find ways to be physically, emotionally and mentally fit and healthy for your whole life, rather than slowing down.
- Achieve optimal performance for yourself, your team and your business.
- Stay young for longer through digitalization and technology.
- Scientifically proven to increase your performance by 1000%.
“The positive effect. Revolutionize management with a change of attitude.”
After the talk, you will…
- Reprogram your brain, turn chaos.to intelligence.
- Create your own world, like Elon Musk.
- Revolutionize performance and leadership using a scientifically proven method.
- Effect positive change for yourself, your employees and your organization to achieve peak performance.
“Digital rebirth: how to reinvent smart businesses”
- Successful tips, cases, and stories: the easy way to achieve digital rebirth.
- How to escape the viscious circle of digital transformation and avoid failure with your digitalization project (average failure rate 90%) – or miss 80% of your chances.
- Become one of the digital elite through digital rebirth
Among others, Allianz SE, ArcelorMittal, ARD, the Federal Government, federal ministries, Bundestag, Federal Labour Office, Daimler AG, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank AG, Deutschlandfunk, EADS, EnBW AG, FC Bayern Munich, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, HSV Fußball AG, HUK Coburg, INSEAD, Lonza AG, Mars GmbH, Otto Group GmbH & Co.KG, Residenz-Gruppe Bremen, Siemens AG, SV Werder Bremen, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, University of St Gallen, Volkswagen AG, Vorwerk, Werder Bremen and ZDF
TV: including ARD, ARTE, Bayerisches Fernsehen, Health TV, NDR, Radio Bremen TV, WDR and ZDF
Radio: Deutschlandradio, Deutschlandfunk, Radio Bremen, NDR, Hessischer Rundfunk, hr1, hr2, Radio Energy, SWR2 and WDR
“Sven Voelpel, one of the happiest people there is.” ARD
“As the saying goes, faith moves mountains. And this also applies to worker productivity… What we need is a change of attitude – or in new speak: a change of mindset.” F.A.Z
“Our attitude is decisive.”Süddeutsche Zeitung
Bild agrees: “Stop thinking, just do!” Bild
“Germany’s demography expert.” F.A.Z.
“The concept really works.”Zeit

Entscheide selbst, wie alt du bist: Was die Forschung über das Jungbleiben weiß
Rowohlt Taschenbuch

Mentale, emotionale und körperliche Fitness: Wie man dauerhaft leistungsfähig bleibt

“Altersforscher: Angst im Alter ist Kopfsache” Here is the interview in German.